the first quarter at FiDM is finally coming to an end.
the next two weeks I have a number of final projects due and two final exams
and thankfully my boyfriend is coming in town next weekend, my own true get away from reality.
as if first quarter has not been stressful enough getting adjusted to school and working as well as living with a complete stranger; yesterday my room mate decided to bail 3 weeks before our lease ended. we made the decision to break the lease early because it was not working out for the two of us and she sprung it on me last minute to move out yesterday
so now on top of having all these final projects, papers, and exams glaring me in the face I have to work my butt off to pay rent completely by myself.
and for those of you who live in California know, it's not cheap.
I'm so thankful and lucky to have my parents here to help me out and loan me money. I made the decision to try to manage this on my own and gratefully accepted the loan but have every intention of paying them back
after the hectic, dramatic day I had yesterday I was talking with my good friend and we are both going through similar situations.
the stress of school, work, bills. all things no other 19 year old has any concern about.
just like I said to Amber, "I guess this is what we get for choosing a real grown up life over tequila shots, frat parties, and dumb football games."
but, I don't regret anything that has happened to me so far in this new life I've begun.
I have grown up and learned a lot over the past couple of months.
in school, at work, with having to be responsible for bills and dealing with people who don't see eye to eye with me.
that is what I came here for. to learn, to grow as a person, and grow into the person I'm supposed to be.
I know this is a fashion blog but I felt that this may help people who feel they are struggling with juggling everything in life as well.
my best advice is..
- remember what is important
- remember who always has your back and make sure they know you love them and appreciate them
- and finally, it doesn't have to always be about work work work, get things done, no time for play. when you are stressed out and don't know how to deal take a step back and enjoy life for a bit.
appreciate life for what it is. you never know how your ultimate lows may help you in the long run.