
a minute away from the fashion world..
for those of you who check in to read recent posts and what's been going on here at frox&fame, I'M SORRY.
i have been slacking with my dedication to this blog and i can't really blame anyone or anything but myself. i have recently come to a point in my life that i haven't ever reached before. i no longer have the energy, passion or urge to create and be totally emersed in fashion. for as long as i can remember my clothes were my life. i had such an interest in shopping and discovering fun boutiques. i loved to sew and learn about various designers and question the construction of anything and everything.  i loved to paint, draw, and capture beautiful moments behind a camera lense.
anything to just create.
i couldn't put my finger on what separated me from my little world that i loved so much. but i am happy to say i have figured it out.
i lost my inspiration.
the thing that brought me the happiness and desire to create something beautiful.
but at this point it's time for me to get back to what i love.
to fully, completely jump right back into it.
so be ready and expecting some better, more interesting posts.

anyway, i didn't just blab forever about me being lost for no reason.
there is a moral to the story.
never, ever lose sight of what you love. and try to always find inspiration in your surroundings.
especially in a place like sunny California; inspiring sights are around every corner.

stay happy, stay inspired, stay fashionable.